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  RICH  DAD  POOR  DAD  BOOK REVIEW This is amazing book.   • Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich • Challenges the belief that your house is an asset • Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money • Defines once and for all an asset and a liability • Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success It's been nearly 25 years since Robert Kiyosaki’s  Rich Dad Poor Dad  first made waves in the Personal Finance arena. It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world. Rich Dad Poor Dad  is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working


  Basic terms Junction :- A Junction is a point, where three or more circuit elements are joint.                           From the circuit it is obvious that B and D points are junctions point. B ranch :- The part of the network lies between two junction point is called branch.                          BD , BAED , BCFD are branches in above circuit. Loop :- The closed path of the network is called loop.                   ABDEA , BCFDB , ACFEA are branches in above circuit. Mesh :- The most elementary part of the loop is called mesh.                     ABDEA , BCFDB are mesh in above circuit. Loop-Current Method :- This method which is particularly well-suited to coupled circuits solutions employs a system of loop or mesh currents instead of branch currents. Here, the currents in different meshes are assigned contineous paths. So that they do not split at junction into branch currents. Step-by-step procedure for solving loop currents method :- All the currents sources are co

Two port Network

  In two port network , their is pair of two terminals (i.e. total 4 terminals) electrical network. In each port current enters in one terminal and leaves through another terminal. figure of two port network is given below. Driving point Impedance and Admittance Functions Driving Point Impedance function Z 11 (s) = V 1 (s) / I 1 (s)      and        Z 22 (s) = V 2 (s) / I 2 (s) Driving Point Admittance function Y 11 (s) = I 1 (s) / V 1 (s)      and        Y 22 (s) = I 2 (s) / V 2 (s) Impedance and Admittance Transfer Function Impedance Transfer function Z 21 (s) = V 2 (s) / I 1 (s)      and        Z 12 (s) = V 1 (s) / I 2 (s) Admittance Transfer Function Y 21 (s) = I 2 (s) / V 1 (s)      and        Y 12 (s) = I 1 (s) / V 2 (s) Voltage and Current Transfer Function Voltage Transfer Function G 12 (s) = V 1 (s) / V 2 (s)     and       G 21 (s) = V 2 (s) / V 1 (s) Current Transfer Function 𝛼 12 = I 1 (s) / I 2 (s)           and         𝛼 21  = I 2 (s) / I 1 (s) Different Param

working of transistor

What is Bipolar junction transistor ?  Working of NPN Transistor Forward bias is applied to emitter-base junction and reverse bias is applied to collector base junction. Connection diagram of NPN transistor The forward bias in the emitter-base junction causes electrons to move toward base. This constitute emitter current, I E . As the electrons flow toward P-type base, they try to recombine with holes. As base is lightly doped only few electrons recombine with holes within the base. These recombined electrons constitute small base current, I B . The remainder electrons crosses base and constitute collector current.                                                  I E =I B + I C Working of PNP Transistor Forward bias is applied to emitter-base junction and reverse bias is applied to collector-base junction. Connection diagram of PNP transistor The forward bias in the emitter-base junction causes holes to move toward base. This constitute emitter current, I E . As the holes flow toward n

What is Bipolar Junction Transister (BJT) ?

What is Bipolar Junction Transistor ?   Bipolar Junction Transistor The transistor is three-layer semiconductor device consisting of either two 'n-type' and one 'p-type' layers of material or two 'p-type' and one 'n-type' layers of material. The former is called as 'npn' , while latter is called as 'pnp' . So, there are two types of BJT -   npn-transister pnp-transister npn and pnp Transistor                                           In each transistor following points to be noted :-  There are two Junction, so transistor can be considered as two diode connected back to back. There are three terminals. The middle section is thinner than other. Naming of the Transistor terminal  Transistor has three section of dopped semiconductor. The section one side is called "emitter" and the opposite side is called "collector" and the middle section is called "base" , as shown in above figure. Emitter   The section one si

What is P-N junction diode ? / What is the working of P-N junction diode ? / What are types the P-N junction diode ?

  What is P-N junction diode ? A  PN - junction diode  is formed when a p-type semiconductor is fused to an n-type semiconductor creating a potential barrier voltage across the  diode junction . A p–n junction is a boundary between two types of semiconductor materials, p-type and n-type, inside a single crystal of semiconductor. The "p" side contains an excess of holes, while the "n" side contains an excess of electrons in the outer shells of the electrically neutral atoms there. Types of P-N Junction diode  Forward bias p-n Junction  When an external voltage is applied to the P-N junction making the P side positive with respect to the N side the diode is said to be forward biased. The barrier potential difference is decreased by the external applied voltage. The depletion band narrows which urges majority carriers to flow across the junction. A Forward biased diode has a very low resistance. Reverse bias p-n Junction  When an external voltage is applied to the P-N

What is Semiconductor and types of Semiconductor ?

  What is Semiconductor and types of Semiconductor ? Semiconductors The materials whose electrical conductivity lies between those of conductors and insulators, are known as semiconductors. Silicon                              1.1 eV Germanium                      0.7 eV Cadmium Sulphide          2.4 eV Silicon is the most widely used semiconductor. NOTE:- Semiconductors have negative temperature coefficients of resistance, i.e. as temperature increases resistivity decreases Energy Band Diagram Insulator Metal Pure Semiconductor (room temperature) Forbidden energy band is small for semiconductors. Less energy is required for electron to move from valence to conduction band. A vacancy (hole) remains when an electron leaves the valence band. Hole acts as a positive charge carrier. Types of Semiconductors Intrinsic Semiconductor Extrinsic Semiconductor  Intrinsic Semiconductor A semiconductor, which is in its extremely pure form, is known as an intrinsic semiconductor. Silicon and German

Inspiring book - Think like a monk

  THINK LIKE A MONK This book is very interesting book for youngsters.  This book frees you from the hyponosis of social conditioning and helps you become the architect of your own life. Read this book to open your mind, lift your heart, redefine your success and connect with your dipper purpose. Review “Who better to help you find meaning in your life than a monk? Jay’s experience and wisdom are invaluable to anyone looking to improve their life and reach their full potential.”― ELLEN DeGENERES, television host, actress, writer, and producer “Jay Shetty shows you step by step how to build your power, shifting your focus from self-image to self-esteem. This book frees you from the hypnosis of social conditioning and helps you become the architect of your own life.”― DEEPAK CHOPRA, MD, professor of medicine, University of California, San Diego, and  New York Times  bestselling author “Grab this book, find a comfortable chair, and let Jay Shetty take you on a life-changing journey. Jay g

Real Transformer (1-phase) Operation Under No-Load

  What is Real Transformer ? Real transformer is a transformer with the following assumptions: Both the primary and secondary windings have finite non-zero resistances. Along with the mutual flux, there will be some amount of leakage flux in the core. Both types of magnetic losses, Hysteresis loss and Eddy current loss, will be present in the core. Operation of Real transformer under no-load Real transformer (1-phase) operation under no-load When an alternating voltage V 1   is applied to the primary terminals, a current I 1   flows through the primary winding as shown in the schematic diagram of above figure. This current produces the necessary MMF in the primary winding that creates an alternating flux in the core. This alternating flux generates a self-induced EMF e 1   in the primary winding and mutually induced EMF e 2   in the secondary winding. Different fluxes and its function :- The flux produced by the primary winding can actually be divided into two parts. A major part of th